Monday 23 January 2017

Friday Post Jan 20th

Question 1: What did I like about the course?
Answer 1: What I liked about the course was probably the drug/ achocol short story games, not just because it was a game but it gave us a brief description on why not to do drugs, and showed us what it is in these drugs and what they can possibly do to you.

Question 2: What should iv'e done to be more successful in the course?
Answer 2: Well during the first half of the course I was on a good pace on completing all assignments given, but the second half of the course i was kinda in my " not in the mood" type of stages, so for me to try and have a better work ethic will help me in the long run.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Final Grade Guess

I think im gonna get this mark cause of how my production rate has dropped quite a lot as of late.